November 28, 2008
RI-RI is that you ma?
the website is filled with hip hop sketch comedies!
Gym Class Superheroes from jeff on Vimeo.
Eric and J.. will you marry me??
love ya girl Key!
X-SQUARED is here to STAY

the newest sneaker store has come into ply with the big dogs!! Xsquared is a new store that opened in BOSTON on the Famous NewBury street across the street from Nike-town. i call that great competition!!! XSquared has joined the forces with Karmaloop, Urban outfitters, johnny cupcakes and Nike Town. talk about one stop shopping.

the store was created by the man who started up Expressions.. and for those of you who do not live in Boston.. Expressions is like a Dr Jays or a Jimmy jazz for Bostonians.

with two floors your bound to have a leather smelling orgasm. the store comes with sneakers, the hottest tees, hoodies and other grand shit! located @ 209 Newbury St, between Exeter and Fairfield (above Betsy Johnson); Boston; 617.424.0500
check it out
Love ya Girl Key
shouts out to Female Sneaker Fiend!!!
I LOVE YOU CHARLIE BROWN.. this is the shit that makes me feel good on the insides.. this and tom and jerry!!!
November 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Homie
Happy Birthday to my left hand man poon-tanya.... I love you.... and this special clip is for you.... MUAH!!!!
November 21, 2008
Air Yeezy’s

and heres a video snippet-

"i could of been in love by now.. if it wasn't for T.O.N.Y"
man! i love this song , this is my favorite song off of her album,, and i must admit i have a weakness for ms Knowles. she is very talented and most of the songs from her album she wrote. this song speaks to me on so many different levels.. smh! excuse me im having a moment {BRB}..... ok im back! the video is pretty cool.. its a little confusing at the beginging but the video is really good and you finally know what T.O.N.Y. Stands for.
PPS the very very delicious Kid Cudi has a short cameo!

--ya gurl key
November 20, 2008
- ya gurl key

-ya gurl key
November 19, 2008
Wait I'm Sorry

Regina G
Queen B
its brittney biotch
these are clips from the new upcoming documentry coming out by who else.. MTV!!! i cant wait. im happy to seee MAMA B!!!
--ya gurl key
November 17, 2008
November 15, 2008
him and Wayne went in hard for this mix tape

Young Money, Dirty Money Lets go!! My dude Jae Millz, Drake and Nicki Minaj was Giving it up EARLY!! my personal Fav # 20 and #4
if you didn't get it.. cop it and don't bootleg it either !!!
-- Ya Gurl Key
PPS. dont sleep on Aubrey Grahm.. hes a problem.. and has been for years!!! WAKEUP
check him out.. he def brings the LOL's
Dirth Angel does Broadway
honestly i have no words... how about you??
November 14, 2008
is he 21 yet
ps. i love Seth green!
--ya girl key
--ya girl key
--ya girl key

I was introduced to the Twilight Series this pass summer and I must admit that those books are amazing. I'm not really into the vampire genre of reading but after reading these 4 books I was in love with Bella and Edward. Now in exactly one weeks time Summit Productions will be releasing the first book in theaters starring Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. I've seen the trailers and all the promos going on and I'm excited (such a dork). Its already becoming a phenomenon, with books, t-shirts, posters, jewelry, calendars, and perfume... I believe its gonna be as big (if not bigger) than Harry Potter... I am promoting this movie because it has everything, action, and romance... and if you're a fast reader head on down to your local bookstore and pick up a copy of Twilight by Stephanie Meyers you won't be sorry... November 21st 2008 Twilight hits theaters...
Throwback Video of the Day
Hey Cupcake addicts.... The year is 1997 I was 13 years old, just graduated junior high, and was running the streets of Brooklyn being the badass that I am... I love this song because in '97 I was a fast ass... :) So sit back and relax and enjoy "My Love is The SHHH...!"
Regina G
November 13, 2008
#1 Accessory for Fall

Everyone has one.... I bet you know at least 5 people who are pregnant, had a baby, or is thinking about it... And if you don't have one what are you waiting for, babies solve all your problems... they make your job hunt go faster, cuz for some reason, companies love mommies... They also improve your credit score, having a baby boosts your credit by at least 100 points... And the most important thing is your baby daddy will "put a ring on it"...
If you think that having a baby will make the father stick around, think again, most of these dudes out here have no shame and will be quick to deny your baby and leave you high and dry, I've seen it happen... if he was sketchy and barely around, and cheating on you before you got pregnant what makes you think a baby will change his way, matter of fact that's more reason to wrap it up!!
Damn girls are treating babies like they're a handbag and will go fabulous with a pair of strappy croc Jimmy Choo's, sorry they don't... most new mothers will tell you that its extremely hard to hang out with your friends, and go clubbing when you have a 6 month old screaming their head off because a new tooth is ripping through their soft flesh. And besides why would your friends want to hang with you on a regular basis anymore? to watch you change diapers or bitch about the low-down dude that don't do jack for you or his seed? I think not!
Having a baby won't make you popular, it make you more lonely that ever before, so please wrap it up, its not hard...
Just remember baby vomit doesn't come out of a silk Christian Lecroix dress... Til next time Cupcake Lickers...
Regina G
Shoe Orgasm

Case of "I'm mad that it's over!!!!"
November 12, 2008
I blame Beyonce
There is now an abundance of "Single Ladies" video on youtube... some good, some bad...
Please for the sake of my bladder ppl, stop making Beyonce dance videos... BUT WAIT my question is when did ya'll find the time to sit and learn the damn dance, personally I've seen the actually video in its entirety only twice.... SMDH... I can't deal... But please enjoy this lovely video... I found that this one hurt my head...
Regina G
Throwback Video of the Day!
The year was 1991, it was summertime I was 8 years old... I was living in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, sitting on my stoop when my best friend since pre-K comes outside and said you gotta hear this song by Hi-Five "Kissing Game (I Like the Way)"... instant love, this has been one of my favorite songs for years. Leave a comment, let us know how old you were and where you were in the summer of 1991...
Regina G
Oh Lindsay
I guess the white media is making a big stink about Lindsay using the term colored when asked about the outcome of the Presidential election... when I watched the clip I didn't feel as though she said it to be racist or start a firestorm.... it seemed to me that she couldn't find a better term (even though African American and black works great *rolls eyes*)... Now Lindsay is a big Obama supporter, but my question to all of our readers is, are you offended by Lindsay saying 'colored', or is the white media just trying to overcompensate by attacking her? I have yet to see or read any other black blogs make a big deal out of it, even MediaTakeOut (eye twitches) isn't making a deal about it, and you already know they like to find drama in a grain of rice. Leave us some feedback.
Regina G
Prove Me Wrong
But I must say that Ms. Naturi may prove us (me) wrong, I got a peek at the new cover of KING magazine and she's in her full Lil Kim character and I must say, she looks good and will do Lil Kim justice, I hope she's a better actress then the "others" from 3LW (GROWL POWER!!)... So I'm promoting along with Key Key, you must go out Friday January 16th 2009 and watch the NOTORIOUS movie...
Regina G

November 11, 2008
Does age really matter???

Hey fellow CupCakers is the one and only Ms. Lexxie checking in and I have a question for all you lovely people out there....what is the deal with older men dating younger women and vice versa? I came across an article this morning about a certain entertainer who was speaking about her relationship with an older gentleman and I couldn't help but notice some of the comments that people made about the age difference. Some people were talking about the man was a pervert, that he was stealing her youth, etc. I couldn't help but think, is there something mentally wrong when a young woman pursues an older man, is there something that she is looking? The same question applies to young men who go after older women, and vice versa when it comes to older men or women actively perusing young men or women? I don't see anything wrong with it as long as both people are stable and happy, speaking from experience, it was an interesting experience. Older men seem to be more in tuned with themselves as well as the female body, I guess because they have had so much experience. Also he was mature no pun intended lol! But I want some of you all feed back on this topic.
love the one and only
Ms. Lexxie!
November 10, 2008
OMG thank you FOX

How F***ing awesome is this...
PS... why does a family of bears live next door....
Regina G

Lexxie u need to come stunt on some of these girls...

PS... no one can wear the hell out of a mini dress like lexxie
Question of the week...
Hey my luvs, it is I Regina George... Now I come home from work Saturday night and decided to settle in with some Degrassi, when all of a sudden this PSA comes on. Now the phrase "That's so gay" is cemented into my vocab (sorry, but it just is), and watching this made me feel like I was being prejudice against LBGTs... but I'm not since 99.999999% of my friends are either gay or bi... They themselves say "that's so gay"... my thing is if the group of ppl you hang out with say then watev say it...
But alas i must digress, someone brought up the good point of the phrase "that's so ghetto"... I say this phrase too, HELL Paris f***ing Hilton said it at one point, the difference is I don't get offend by the phrase "that's so ghetto" cuz damn it maybe having 3 kids and one on the way but yet you still in the club with a drink in your hand IS MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD ghetto...
So when I see the hottest man walking down the street carrying the YSL downtown PVC tote with perfectly smoothed down baby hair, I will say under my breath "that is sooo gay" but I will love it, because lord knows I'm the biggest tangy luver... (shout out to all my gay male friends love u boo-boo)...
Well maybe the difference between my "so gay" and theirs is, I'm not usually describing something dumb or stupid, but damn something is actually GAY!!
Regina G
Love Her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So for y'all who don't know I'm from Atl!!! Born and partly raised and I will always consider myself a Georgia no matter what city I live in, I put on for my city!!!! My mom got me into watching the first season of Real Housewives: Orange County. When I heard they were doing a Real Housewives Atlanta I nearly had an orgasm that's how excited I was. I'm pretty sure that most of you all know the premise of the show and I am going to skip through all of that. Let's talk about my favorite housewife Linnethia "NeNe" Leakes that's right I love me some Nene just like Anderson Cooper aka the Silver Fox he love him some NeNe too! There are so many reasons why I love her, she's real, she's hella funny, her gay bff is FABULOUS honey. Out of all the housewives she's the only one who keeps it real 24/7 and that's why I love Nene!!!!
You better work it!!!
love always
sexxie lexxie
November 9, 2008

will you marry me? its fine we can have an open marriage, its totally fine with me.. just as long as we can smoke a good one right before bed.. day and night!
in all seriousness this dude is the business, besides being hot he has gave me hope about hip hop. being signed to G.0.0.D MUSIQ REcord label you can expect the best.. ahem im talking about Common and Kanye West. he is definitely the man on the moon!!

make sure you pick up the new copy of XXL with him and the 10 freshmen on the cover. shout out to Asher Roth!!!
-ya girl key