December 30, 2008
and im listening to...
this is one bAD bitch.. man i miss her.. we need more women like her. i was 11 when i first herd her album and was hooked.. goodnight fuckers..

Ive been a bad bad girl,
Ive been careless with a delicate man.
And its a sad sad world,
When a girl can break a boy
Just because she can ....
ben and Jerry's is calling me... my favorite you ask?? CINNAMON CINNABUN.. ummmm. im not an ice cream fan but this calls for some. ive been feeling kind of down lately.. maybe because Sally Fucking mae wont help me out!!! WTF i mean yea i know i have loans from undergrad.. but damnit help a sister out i mean yea i might be 70 when i pay off all my school loans.. but fuck it. and then people wonder why kids dont or cant go to school.. lower the fucking price and maybe the buildings may be overflowing.. fuck!!!! BALLLS!! PENISSSS!! im sorry when im upset i yell random sex words.... PUSSY!!
ahhhhh so i know im late but i thought id share this news with everyone. after stalking my email every 10 mines by refreshing the page, i finally got the email i wanted!! I GOT INTO FILM SCHOOL!! YESSS MAN IM GOING TO FILM SCHOOL MARCH 2009!! hollyhood.. here comes the kid
and it went a little something like this...
Co Worker: hey kia what size are you?
Me: come again
Co worker : your a size 8 right
Me: in shoes?
Co Worker: no silly in clothes
Me: why do you ask
Co Worker: were looking for models who are a size 8.. and your a size 8 right
Me: no i wish im no where near a size 8
Co Worker: oh wow and this whole time i thought you were a size 8.. wow
He left no time to regret
Kept his dick wet
With his same old safe bet
Me and my head high
And my tears dry
Get on without my guy
You went back to what you knew
So far removed from all that we went through
And I tread a troubled track
My odds are stacked
I'll go back to black
We only said good-bye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to BLACK..... .