this bought me to tears every time i watch it i cry! being a huge mike fan i was disappointing in the awards and their half ass tribute.. but this.. i have no words! Janet's speech was very moving and touching rip to the king of pop
LADIES LADIES LADIES,.. and some of you gentlemen... the anticipation is over... in fact TREY SONGZ mixtape ANTICIPATION dropped today. and i must say CHILLLLLLLLLLLe its a pantie dropper i mean trey songz always makes my panties wet idk about you! please download it here and enjoy oh also cop his swagga like songz part 2!
I know that 99.9% of us grew up watching Sesame Street, and if you're parents had good taste in music, you grew up listening to good music! Stevie Wonder is a musical genius whose music touches everyone from young to old and everyone in between. I came across this video and just had to share it with all y'all! Be on the look out for the little kid in the red sweater he was going hard!!!
I am following Lil Duval on twitter and dude is funny as hell! He posted this video the other day and I just had to share it with y'all, it had me in tears!
"Don't listen to the people that got fired....don't even listen to the ones that got hired" I can't deal!
Tuesday morning, I'm sipping on my cup of green tea checking my facebook messages and I came across this message that had me throwing major shade to the sender of this message.
"are you back in town and if so we need for you and key key boom to be apart of this event By bring class and grace to the hip hop scene Volunteer's Needed For Jam Master Jay's Tribute Concert July 26,2009 At Harper Ferry"
I couldn't make this up if I wanted to, although I am very honored that he thought highly of us, but he doesn't know us! "grace and class" that tickled my fancy! What really had me rolling was the grammatical errors that he made but that's another topic for another day! The next time I recieve a request for my twin and I to come to an event I am going to ask for a fee!
Here is a fresh new t-shirt line based out of our nation capital Chocolate City aka Washington DC. Clockwise Clothing they have some fly sugar honey ice are some of their goodies! Check out their website