April 17, 2009

WHEN your bored with doing porn.. just rap!

so as you may know maybe you don't i am a porn watcher! DONT JUDGE ME!! porn's great and there are actually loads of women who watch it more then men well ne-who a fav porn star of mines by the name of PINKY was in boston today.. randomly. she was promoting because she's throwing a party in Providence. i swear P-town(not the one in the cape) gets it poppin.. anyways i was on one of my favorite websites and i noticed a little video with a very familiar name in the title. BRAIN PUMPER!! now if you watch porn or know any thing about porn.. Brian is the sexy hot dude who looks just like Llyod banks. awhile back there was a rumor that Llyod banks made a gay porn.. but then it came out that it was Brian.. but in all actuality its a gay porn star names Ty Lattimore... but thats besides the point. so we all know rick ross has beef with 50( i love when he says MONKEEEEEY) and i guess ricky went after Llyod saying he mad gay porn.. but i have no idea how brian got involved.. well this is what brian had to say.. smh ps hes fucking hot

pps.. i hope the rest of the porn stars.. never attempt to rap!!

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